Looking After Your New Pet

Adding a furry new pet to the family is a time of much the joy and excitement. There is also a lot to do during this time to make sure that your pet lives a long and happy life. Our team can help guide you through everything you need to do during the first months of your puppy or kitten’s life as well as general health maintenance for life.

We can assist with all the details of the vaccinations required. We can offer sound nutritional advice based on your pet’s requirements. We can guide you in all the preventatives needed for improved health and welfare. We can also assist you with basic training and other tips to help you and your pet adjust and enjoy life together. If you have any concerns or questions when it comes to the health and well-being of your kitten or puppy, we are always available to assist.

To assist you with the basics to focus on when you bring your new puppy or kitten home, we have created a list of 3 important factors to consider.

Some First Steps For Puppies & Kittens

  • Your new pet should have a health record detailing their de-worming and vaccines which should be obtained from the shelter or breeder when you get your puppy or kitten. Make sure to bring this along to your first vet visit. Our vets can then give your pet a once over and give you a schedule of necessary vaccinations. If possible, bring along a fresh stool sample to be checked for parasites. Your vet will also recommend preventative medications for ticks and fleas as well as heartworm.

  • Take puppies to basic training. The earlier you can start socialization (3 to 4 months preferably), the better your puppy is likely to adjust. It will help your puppy get over awkwardness and fear around other dogs and people. A puppy will not instinctively know what you want it to do and this is also where basic puppy training can help. A puppy class is a safe environment where a puppy can be given guidance and taught the behaviours that are acceptable. This helps your puppy become a more polite pet. Due to the requirement that all puppies that attend classes are vaccinated, your puppy also has less chance of picking up illnesses and disease than if you take him out in public for socialisation and training.
  • It is important that puppies and kittens are desexed. This helps prevent unwanted litters, stops or reduces territory marking, reduces aggression and straying (usually to find a mate in heat). Spaying and neutering also reduces the risk for a number of serious illnesses such as certain cancers and UTIs. Spaying a female dog also stops the mess of her being in heat and reduces males dominace behaviour.

There are many other aspects involved in introducing your new puppy or kitten in to your home such as exercise, shelter, food, warmth and love. Enjoy the time with your puppy and help them stay happy and healthy by taking care of their needs and requirements in a responsible way. And please do not hesitate to call us on (02) 9436 4910 should you have any questions or concerns.