Jack Russell Terrier playing with bone toys

Puppy Classes

A well-trained puppy is an absolute delight. Our puppy training school will help you teach your new puppy the basics of acceptable behaviour. Our classes include obedience, socialisation and toilet training. We teach you how to handle trips to the vet, and give you all the tips you need re exercise, play, stimulation and diet.

Get your puppy into good habits early

Bad habits are hard to break. This is why we believe that an early start to behavioural training will help set your puppy up with a strong foundation of good habits. You can start puppy training between the ages of 8 weeks and 6 months, although we urge you not to leave it until 6 months. As long as your puppy has had the necessary vaccinations, you can start training. The earlier the better.

The aim of puppy classes

Our classes are strongly focused on basic obedience and socialisation skills. Your puppy needs to learn to follow commands but also have fun and be stimulated. We want them to learn to enjoy the company of other dogs, and other people, as well as understanding that when you say something you mean it. Puppy classes will give your puppy good manners!

What will your puppy learn?

  • Socialisation with other dogs and bite inhibition
  • Socialisation with other humans
  • Allowing the puppy to be examined, touched and
  • Basic Education like SIT, DOWN, COME etc.
  • House training and how to control puppy-biting

What does puppy obedience entail?

Basic obedience includes the usual sit and stay but there is a lot more to it. Puppies need to learn how to interact with other dogs and people as well as to have good manners. Basic training classes will guide you so you can continue training at home. Your puppy will learn to listen even when they are surrounded by noise and distractions.

Puppy skills for life

The skills you give your puppy will be skills that he or she takes through life, enhancing not just his life but yours too. Nobody wants a dog that jumps on visitors or helps himself to the roast lamb. Your puppy will learn to follow commands given, not just by you, but by others. At the end of the basic training your puppy should know how to walk on a leash with you or a dog walker, know his or her name, leave it, sit, stay, down, come and a polite way to greet other dogs and humans.

When and where are classes

Classes are usually once a week. You can talk to us and get a schedule that fits in with your own.
One of the most important things to note is that puppy training doesn’t stop at the end of the lesson. You need to continue the training at home and reinforce what you have learned all the time.
We will help you!

Practice makes perfect

Practise and keep practising to help your puppy learn and remember the skills taught in training.

Call us on (02) 9436 4910 to find out more or to enrol in our next classes or visit https://www.positivepuppies.com.au to meet the team who run our classes.

Puppy running around training cones